Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall in Chicago

Visit from a Canadian friend. Let me play tourist. :-)

Mr. Bean

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cinematic Gif - First Attempt

But where can I display it? Facebook doesn't animate it. Nor does flickr. Grrr. Hopefully it works here.

OK It does seem to work here. Phew.

I've become intrigued with a new take on a very old (for the internet) medium - the animated gif. I've seen some incredible examples especially here! 

These are not the cheesy animated gifs of the early days of the WWW. These are beautifuly done with very subtle movement. The effect truly can be cinematic.

Anyway, here's my first attempt. Enjoy. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

IPA Sampler NIght

I love good beer. I am especially fond of Ales and of India Pale Ale (IPA) in particular. I'm a total hophead.

However, lately I've been trying and liking a variety of Porters and Stouts. This is a distinct change in my beer palate. So tonight I was really excited when I saw Black Cannon Black IPA at the liquor store. I thought what a great concept - a black IPA. So I started building my sampler pack with that one.

Here are tonight's choices in no particular order:

  • Heavy Seas Beer - Black Cannon Black IPA 
  • Southern Tier - 2xIPA
  • Two Brothers - Bitter End
  • Breckenridge Brewery - Bridgeport IPA
  • Dark Horse Brewing Co - Crooked Tree IPA
  • Smuttynose Brewing Co - Smuttynose IPA.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's About Time

To the opposite extreme. What can you shoot at 1/100,000 sec?


Monday, February 21, 2011

Adventures in Timelapse

Just beginning to learn timelapse techniques. Here is some footage of my Ice Orchids shot 1 frame every 5 minutes over a couple of weeks.

Equipment: Canon Powershot A480 with CHDK.