Sunday, March 27, 2011

IPA Sampler NIght

I love good beer. I am especially fond of Ales and of India Pale Ale (IPA) in particular. I'm a total hophead.

However, lately I've been trying and liking a variety of Porters and Stouts. This is a distinct change in my beer palate. So tonight I was really excited when I saw Black Cannon Black IPA at the liquor store. I thought what a great concept - a black IPA. So I started building my sampler pack with that one.

Here are tonight's choices in no particular order:

  • Heavy Seas Beer - Black Cannon Black IPA 
  • Southern Tier - 2xIPA
  • Two Brothers - Bitter End
  • Breckenridge Brewery - Bridgeport IPA
  • Dark Horse Brewing Co - Crooked Tree IPA
  • Smuttynose Brewing Co - Smuttynose IPA.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's About Time

To the opposite extreme. What can you shoot at 1/100,000 sec?
